Ukrainians have spent over UAH 67 billion on new cars since the beginning of 2024

27 авг, 15:00

Since the beginning of 2024, Ukrainians have spent over UAH 67.4 billion on the purchase of new passenger cars, which is 19% more compared to the same period last year. These data are provided by the association "Ukravtoprom".

According to the information of "Ukravtoprom", approximately half of this amount went to a car of only five marks. The Toyota brand became the leader in terms of sales, with a share of UAH 10.4 billion. This brand remains the most favorite among Ukrainian consumers of new cars.

The second position in the rating was taken by BMW cars, on which Ukrainians spent more than UAH 8.6 billion. This result indicates a stable demand for the premium segment of cars in the country.

On the third step was Volkswagen, which received more than UAH 4.9 billion from the sale of new cars. It is immediately followed by Mercedes-Benz, which also collected approximately UAH 4.9 billion. These brands continue to remain popular among buyers in Ukraine.

The French brand Renault closed the top five with the sum of UAH 3.6 billion. This confirms the steady interest of Ukrainian consumers in various models and brands.

Lexus, Audi, Land Rover, Skoda and Porsche also appeared among the ten most popular brands. This shows the diversity of Ukrainians' interests in new cars and their willingness to invest significant sums in high-quality and prestigious brands.

Thus, the market of new cars in Ukraine shows stable growth and high demand for various brands, which reflects the general trend of improving the economic climate and increasing the solvency of consumers.

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