How much does borscht cost: price comparison in Ukraine and Poland

31 авг, 15:00

Against the background of the Borscht Festival, which is being held in different cities of Poland for the third year in a row, the analytical center Gremi Personal decided to analyze the cost of ingredients for preparing traditional Ukrainian borscht. This so-called "Borschu Index" has become an indicator of the purchasing power of the population and the level of prices for basic products in Ukraine and Poland. This is reported by UNIAN.

Data for August 2024 indicate significant differences in the value indicator between the two countries. So, in Ukraine, the cost of products for preparing borscht is UAH 169.7. This set includes pork (300g), beets (300g), potatoes (300g), cabbage (300g), carrots (200g), onions (200g), garlic (50g), tomato paste (70 g), sour cream (200 g), greens (40 g) and seasoning.

In Poland, a similar set of products costs almost twice as much - 306.9 UAH (29.02 PLN). These data demonstrate the differences in the economic conditions of the two countries and testify to the different living standards and incomes of the population.

Anna Jobolda, director of Gremi Personal's recruitment department, commented on the situation, noting that despite the widespread myth about cheaper products in Poland, Ukraine still remains a country with more affordable prices for basic food products. She also added that these differences are due to different living standards and incomes.

In addition to comparing product prices, analysts drew attention to the difference between minimum and average wages in Ukraine and Poland. As of July 2024, the minimum wage in Poland is about $738 (4,300 PLN gross), which equates to about 3,060 PLN after taxes. In Ukraine, as of April 2024, the minimum wage is $200 (8,000 hryvnias gross).

As for the average salary, in Poland it is approximately $1,450 (approximately PLN 6,000 after taxes), while in Ukraine it is approximately $580 (UAH 21,800).

Experts emphasize that the Borscht Index is only a partial indicator, and to fully understand the difference in the cost of living between Ukraine and Poland, all prices, incomes and expenses should be taken into account. Only a comprehensive approach will allow us to assess the real level of well-being of the population in each of the countries.

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