Energoatom begins implementation of the Chigyryn NPP project: restoration and new prospects

28 авг, 15:00

Against the backdrop of growing needs for stable energy supply, the Energoatom company has started preparations for the implementation of the Chygyryn NPP project, which was previously postponed. The first steps in this direction have already been taken.

According to the information released by the press service of "Energoatom", the company's team is actively looking for new opportunities for the construction of nuclear power plant capacities. The most promising site for the implementation of the project has been identified as the Chigyryn district, located near the town of Orbita in Cherkasy Oblast. It is planned to build four new power units using modern AP1000 technology, which will ensure high efficiency and safety of power plants.

One of the first important steps has already been taken: during the extraordinary 51st session, the deputies of the Chigyryna City Council passed a decision to grant permission for the development of a land management project for the allocation of land plots for the permanent use of JSC NAEK Energoatom. It was also decided to transfer land rights plots with a total area of ​​38.1493 hectares for permanent use by the company.

The head of Energoatom Petro Kotin emphasized that the restoration of the Chigyryn NPP project is an important stage for the company. According to him, "Energoatom" aims to turn Orbita into one of the most modern towns of Ukraine, similar to Netishyn, Yuzhnoukrainska or Varash. The implementation of this project will be a significant investment in the reconstruction of the country after the war and will contribute to ensuring the energy security of the state.

The Chigyryn NPP restoration project is important for Ukraine, because it will allow not only to modernize the energy infrastructure, but also to create new jobs and contribute to the economic development of the region. The new nuclear power plant will be an important element in ensuring a stable and uninterrupted supply of electricity, which is critically important for the recovery and development of the country.

Адрес новости: http://e-finance.com.ua/show/278029.html

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