Parliamentarianism: a new commemorative coin from the NBU

02 сен, 10:00

On August 30, 2024, the presentation of the new commemorative coin "Parliamentarism" issued by the National Bank of Ukraine took place in the building of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. This coin is a symbol of the importance of parliamentarism for Ukrainian democracy and emphasizes the key role of the Verkhovna Rada in the country's state system.

During the event, the Chairman of the National Bank of Ukraine, Andrii Pyshnyi, emphasized the importance of the Verkhovna Rada as a center for making key decisions for the state. He emphasized that it is within the walls of the Parliament that the main principle of democracy is implemented, where the people are the only source of power in Ukraine. According to him, this significantly distinguishes Ukraine from the aggressor countries and is the basis of its stability.

"This is our strategic choice that formed the Ukrainian state," Pyshnyi noted, adding that historical events such as the Protests on Granite and the Revolution of Dignity became possible thanks to Ukrainians' faith in the power of democracy and the rule of law implemented through parliamentarism.

The Parliamentarianism coin is a complex and detailed product that symbolizes the importance of protecting democratic values. It is designed not only to honor the history of Ukrainian parliamentarism, but also to remind of the need to protect it in the face of modern challenges.

The presentation of the coin became an important event that emphasizes the role of the Verkhovna Rada as the center of the democratic process in Ukraine. It is evidence that parliamentarism continues to be the basis of the country's state system, despite all the challenges.

Thus, the new "Parliamentarism" coin is not only a commemorative product, but also a symbol of steadfastness of democratic values ​​and the will of the Ukrainian people for freedom and justice.

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