Trends of the August car market of Ukraine: gasoline, hybrids and electric cars

05 сен, 15:00

In August 2024, the market of new passenger cars in Ukraine continued to show changes in consumer preferences. Cars with traditional gasoline engines took almost 63% of the market, down from more than 68% in August last year. This is reported by the association "Ukravtoprom".

Gasoline cars remain the most popular on the Ukrainian market, accounting for 40.8% of the total volume of new car sales in August. This is slightly less than the 42.6% in August 2023, indicating a slight decline in interest in traditional engines.

In second place in terms of popularity are hybrid cars, which occupied 22.3% of the market in August 2024. This is an increase compared to 19.3% in August last year, which demonstrates the increased interest of Ukrainians in hybrid technologies.

The share of diesel cars decreased to 22.1%, compared to 25.8% a year ago. This decline can be due to both a decrease in supply and changes in consumer preferences.

Electric vehicles continue to gain popularity, covering 14.3% of the market in August 2024. This is a significant increase compared to 11.8% in August 2023, indicating a growing interest in environmentally friendly transport.

As for cars with gas cylinder equipment (HBO), their market share remains stable and is less than one percent of the total sales of new cars, as in the previous year.

These data demonstrate changes in the preferences of Ukrainian consumers, who are increasingly focusing on energy-efficient and ecological modes of transport.

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