The new container terminal in Vinnytsia has started operations: prospects and opportunities

10 сен, 14:00

The Vinnytsia region received a new impetus in the development of logistics with the opening of the container terminal "Vinnytsia", built by the "Lemtrans" group. This "dry port" received its first cargoes, becoming an alternative to the traditional ports of Odessa. As the mayor of Vinnytsia, Serhiy Morgunov, noted, the terminal offers a whole range of services, which will greatly facilitate logistics processes for cargo owners.

"Vinnytsia" container terminal will ensure efficient processing, delivery and dispatch of goods to various destinations. For this, modern infrastructure was created on the territory of the terminal, including railway tracks, a container yard, warehouses and a weighing system. This will significantly speed up the processes of cargo transportation and processing.

Morgunov emphasized that the new terminal opens wide opportunities for expanding cooperation of Vinnytsia not only with other Ukrainian regions, but also with European countries. Shippers will now be able to regularly send containers to large terminals in Odesa and Poland, and in the future - to use rail routes for deliveries to Germany, Belgium, France, Italy and the Netherlands.

This project also has significant economic potential for the region. The opening of the new terminal will contribute to the creation of new jobs, increasing the competitiveness of Vinnytsia on the market and strengthening the economic stability of the community.

Thus, the "dry port" in Vinnytsia not only improves the logistics capabilities of the region, but also opens up new prospects for the development of business and international trade. This is an important step in infrastructure modernization and Ukraine's integration into global transport networks.

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