Export of wheat from Ukraine exceeded 4 million tons

15 сен, 12:00

As of September 6, 2024, the export of grain and leguminous crops from Ukraine reached 7,525 thousand tons. This indicates the active development of the agricultural sector, ProAgro Group reports, citing data from the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine.

According to the information of the State Customs Service, the volume of exported grain during this period exceeded last year's figures by more than 2.6 million tons. This indicates a significant increase in the foreign economic activity of the agricultural sector of the country.

In particular, the export of wheat is 4,032 thousand tons, which is 83.7% more compared to the same period last season. This indicator emphasizes a significant increase in the supply of wheat to the international market. 1,106,000 tons of barley were exported, which is more than twice the volume of the previous season. Corn supply during this period reached 2,356,000 tons, which is 200,000 tons more than last year.

Also, 0.3 thousand tons of rye were shipped abroad, which is half as much as in the corresponding period last year. This indicates a decrease in the volume of exported rye.

In addition to cereals, Ukraine also exported 12,400 tons of cereal flour, of which 11,300 tons were wheat flour. This is less than last season, when supplies of flour amounted to 26,300 tons.

Thus, the Ukrainian agricultural sector demonstrates an active export potential, in particular in the supply of wheat and barley, which emphasizes its importance in the international market of grain crops.

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