Expanding the gas flow between Ukraine and Moldova: Why it matters

12 сен, 10:00

Ukraine and Moldova plan to significantly increase the guaranteed capacity at one of the interstate points for the transportation of natural gas. According to the information provided by the press service of the "Operator GTS of Ukraine" (OGTSU), this step is aimed at increasing the efficiency of the Trans-Balkan route and ensuring a stable supply of energy carriers between countries.

According to the announcement, it is planned to increase the guaranteed capacity by at least 7 million cubic meters of gas per day. This decision is of strategic importance for ensuring the energy security of both countries and promoting the development of regional energy infrastructures.

At the first stage of the implementation of this project, it is noted that Ukraine has already created 1 million cubic meters of guaranteed gas transportation capacity from Moldova. This phase was successfully completed without significant investment costs from OGTSU or Vestmoldtransgaz (VMTG), the Moldovan operator of the GTS.

According to further plans, OGTSU together with VMTG are actively working on expanding the capacities of the Trans-Balkan route. It is predicted that in the medium term the capacity can be increased by even more than 7 million cubic meters per day, which will contribute to the further development of the infrastructure and increasing the energy independence of the region.

An important aspect is the introduction of competitive and economically justified tariffs to ensure the commercial attractiveness of this project. This will make it possible to make maximum use of the technical potential of the Trans-Balkan Corridor and ensure the sustainable functioning of new capacities.

Thus, the expansion of the reverse gas pipeline between Ukraine and Moldova not only strengthens the energy security of the region, but also contributes to the strengthening of economic ties between the countries. The implementation of this project has great potential for investment growth and development of energy infrastructure in Eastern Europe.

Адрес новости: http://e-finance.com.ua/show/278129.html

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