Motorcycle market in Ukraine: record August 2024

16 сен, 09:30

In August of this year, the Ukrainian motorcycle market showed extremely high results, surpassing the indicators of previous periods. According to the Auto Market Research Institute, a record number of motorcycles were sold this month, which was made possible by increased consumer demand for two-wheeled vehicles.

In August, Ukrainians purchased 9,100 new motorcycles, which is 17.5% more than in the same period last year. This is also 1.2% higher than July 2024 sales. According to information, 58.5% of the total number of motorcycles purchased were new vehicles imported from abroad. This trend shows the growing popularity of new motorcycles compared to used ones.

During the month, 2,983 sales of used motorcycles were registered in Ukraine, which is 32.8% of the total number. Additionally, 798 motorcycles or 8.8% were imported used.

Experts note that the increase in sales of new motorcycles indicates an increase in consumer demand and changes in the choice of consumers in favor of new models. However, it should be taken into account that the indicated statistics do not take into account the "shadow" market, which can have a significant impact on real sales volumes, especially in the segment of used motorcycles.

Overall, the motorcycle market in Ukraine showed steady growth in August 2024, which is a positive signal for the industry and reflects the dynamic development of market processes in the two-wheeled transport sector. In the future, a further increase in interest in motorcycles is expected, which can stimulate the development of infrastructure for the service and support of this type of transport in Ukraine.

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