Prices for Ukrainian pears dropped by a third

16 сен, 13:00

This week, wholesale markets of Ukraine recorded a significant decrease in prices for pears from local farms. Selling prices for this fruit have become a third cheaper compared to the same period last year. The decrease in prices amounted to an average of 32%, according to the analysts of the EastFruit project.

The main reason for such a drop in prices is the seasonal increase in the supply of pears on the market. At the same time, demand from wholesale companies for this fruit remains low, which significantly affects the price situation.

Currently, large quantities of pears from local farms are offered on the market at prices from UAH 15 to UAH 30 per kg (approximately $0.36-0.73 per kg). That's 25% cheaper than a week ago. Prices for pears continue to gradually decrease since mid-August, which is due to a constant increase in supply on the market.

Experts note that in the current season, due to the milder weather conditions of the winter-spring period in Ukraine, there is a noticeable increase in the yield of pears. This led to a significant increase in production, which negatively affected the price situation on the market.

At the same time, in the Vinnytsia region, due to spring frosts and hail, producers lost more than 30% of the future fruit harvest. However, this did not have a significant impact on the overall pear market in Ukraine.

Compared to other countries of the region, Ukrainian pears are currently among the most affordable on the market. This shows the growing interest of Ukrainian gardeners in growing pears in the last few seasons.

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