Real estate market in Ukraine: Dynamics of secondary housing sales in Kyiv, Odesa and Lviv

18 сен, 10:00

Analyzing the real estate market of three large Ukrainian cities - Kyiv, Odesa and Lviv, experts discovered interesting trends in the time and cost of selling secondary housing. According to the press service of the LUN, the average period of sale of apartments in these regions is approximately 50 days.

In Kyiv, for example, in August 2024, the average time to sell an apartment was 51 days, which indicates stabilization compared to previous months. Compared to last year, when the sale lasted an average of 35 days, there is a certain increase in the period. However, housing prices in different areas of the capital vary significantly: from $36,100 to $129,500 depending on the area and the condition of the apartment.

In Odesa, the situation is similar - the average sales period was 54 days in August 2024, which indicates a certain delay compared to past periods when apartments were sold faster. Prices also vary, from $24,400 to $55,000 depending on the area.

In Lviv in August 2024, apartments will be sold in an average of 45 days, which is 6 days faster than in the capital. Housing prices are practically independent of location - from $51,800 to $59,400 for a one-bedroom apartment.

In general, over the past six months, prices for secondary housing have decreased in all three cities: in Kyiv by 8%, in Odesa by 10%, while in Lviv prices have increased by 3%. These dynamic changes indicate an active demand for housing in all regions, although the price level may vary depending on the area and the condition of the apartment.

Thus, the real estate market in Ukraine continues to show steady interest from buyers, providing a variety of opportunities for investors and residents looking for their own home.

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