Used cars from the USA: TOP-popularity on the Ukrainian market

18 сен, 14:00

In August 2024, almost 5,200 used cars from the USA were registered in Ukraine, which was a significant increase in demand for such cars. Compared to the same period last year, the demand for "Americans" increased by almost 83%, reports the association "Ukravtoprom".

According to the data, every fifth used car that received Ukrainian license plates in August came from the USA. Among used cars from America, the largest share is cars with gasoline engines - 42%. Electric cars take up 38% of the total, hybrid cars - 8%, and diesel and gas cylinder cars (HBO) make up 6% each.

"Ukravtoprom" notes that the average age of used cars from the USA, which replenished the Ukrainian fleet last month, is 5.5 years. This indicates a high demand for relatively new cars that have already passed the first stages of operation.

The TOP-5 most popular used cars of American production in Ukraine are as follows:

1. Tesla Model Y – 567 units;
2. Tesla Model 3 – 547 units;
3. Ford Escape – 329 units;
4. Tesla Model S – 265 units;
5. Jeep Cherokee – 259 units.

These data show that Ukrainian car consumers show great interest in electric and hybrid models, in particular from the company Tesla, which occupies the first places in the rating. The growing demand for used cars from the USA in Ukraine reflects the trend to update the car fleet and switch to more modern and environmentally friendly vehicles.

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