Online auctions within the framework of the Land Bank project will start on October 1: what you need to know to participate

26 сен, 10:00

From October 1, the first online auctions will start in Ukraine within the framework of the "Land Bank" project, which will provide an opportunity to lease state lands through transparent and open auctions. This will be an important step towards ensuring equal competition in the land market and the development of the agricultural industry.

The State Property Fund reported that the "Land Bank" project is aimed at creating conditions where all market participants receive equal opportunities to lease land. The project is of particular importance for the development of the agricultural sector and stimulation of farming in Ukraine.

To date, 65 auctions have been announced, covering 9 regions of Ukraine. The largest selection of land plots is available in the Vinnytsia, Zaporizhzhia and Cherkasy regions. These regions offer tenants the widest choice of land for agricultural activities.

Farmers and farmers can choose from a variety of plots with a total area of ​​more than 4,000 hectares. Both small farms with an area of ​​2 hectares and large plots of 262 hectares are offered. In this way, the participants get a wide range of opportunities to rent land, taking into account their needs and capabilities.

Starting rent prices depend on the size of the plot and vary from 9 thousand hryvnias to 1.14 million hryvnias. The bidding process will be transparent, and the winner will be the participant who offers the highest price.

In order to participate in the auctions, it is necessary to register in the electronic system "Prozorro.Prodazhi" or familiarize yourself with the available lots through the "Land Bank" website in the "Map" section. This will allow participants to get all the necessary information to prepare for bidding and make a profitable choice.

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