Ukraine harvested more than 50 million tons of new crops: wheat, sunflower and corn are the leaders

30 сен, 10:00

By the end of September 2024, Ukrainian farmers have already harvested 50.4 million tons of new crops on an area of ​​14.2 million hectares. This was announced by the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, noting the successful pace of grain, oil crops and sugar beet harvesting.

This year, the volume of grain crop collection is 34.3 million tons. The most threshed wheat was 22.3 million tons from an area of ​​4.9 million hectares. Barley also showed high results: 5.5 million tons were harvested from an area of ​​1.4 million hectares. The pea harvest amounted to 465.3 thousand tons, for which more than 212 thousand hectares were used.

Corn, which is traditionally one of the most important crops in Ukraine, is harvested on an area of ​​920.7 thousand hectares, from which 4.7 million tons of grain were obtained. Also, 147.8 thousand tons of millet and 115.5 thousand tons of buckwheat were collected, which indicates stable production volumes of these crops.

Oil crops also show good results. Sunflower was threshed on an area of ​​3.3 million hectares, from which 6.6 million tons of seeds were obtained. Soybeans were harvested on 1.6 million hectares with a total harvest of 3.5 million tons. Rape, which is also an important oil crop for export, showed a result of 3.5 million tons harvested from an area of ​​1.3 million hectares.

Sugar beet, an important raw material for the food industry, was collected in the amount of 2.5 million tons. This indicator indicates stable sugar production, which is critical for domestic consumption and export.

In general, this year's harvest indicators confirm the high level of agricultural production in Ukraine, despite all the challenges faced by the agricultural sector. Significant volumes of harvested grain and oil crops will contribute to the provision of both the domestic market and export needs, which is an important factor in the country's economic stability.

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