Ukraine reduced electricity imports in September: overview of suppliers

02 окт, 15:00

In September 2024, Ukraine recorded a decrease in electricity imports by 7.5% compared to August, amounting to 438 thousand MWh. Hungary remained the main supplier of electricity. This is reported by ExPro publication, highlighting changes in supply structures.

According to the information, the import of electricity decreased in all directions, except for Poland. Supplies from Poland amounted to 86.1 thousand MWh in September, which is 78% more than in August. This shows the growing activity in cooperation between Ukraine and Poland in the energy sector.

It is worth noting that Hungary occupies the largest share in the structure of electricity imports, which is 35%. Slovakia ranks second with a share of 24.5%. Also, 16.5 thousand MWh were imported from Moldova, but part of these volumes are reimports from Romania, which indicates a comprehensive approach to electricity supplies in Ukraine.

Compared to September 2023, the import of electricity in Ukraine in September this year increased more than 18 times. This significant increase reflects the country's electricity needs and infrastructure recovery after past crises.

Factors affecting such import dynamics may include the growth of electricity consumption in Ukraine, industrial recovery, as well as seasonal fluctuations in demand. The country continues to look for alternative sources of electricity supply to ensure the stability of the energy system.

In conditions where the energy sector is becoming increasingly important for the development of Ukraine's economy and security, reducing dependence on electricity imports and diversifying suppliers remain priority tasks for the government.

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