Rivneazot resumed its work after the forced shutdown and reached full capacity

15 окт, 10:00

The company "Rivneazot", which is part of Group DF, resumed its work after a forced shutdown and reached the full capacity of production of mineral fertilizers. This step should ensure the growing demand from Ukrainian farmers at the height of the field work season.

So far, the enterprise has resumed the operation of several key production units, in particular, the ammonia plant (A-2), the non-concentrated nitric acid plant, and the ammonium nitrate plant. The production capacity of the ammonia line is 650 tons per day, and that of unconcentrated nitric acid is 1,000 tons per day. Thanks to these indicators, the enterprise is able to produce up to 40 thousand tons of ammonium nitrate every month.

As the chairman of the board of the plant Mykhailo Zabluda reported, the plant was forced to stop a month ago due to damage to the energy infrastructure of the region as a result of shelling. During this shutdown, the enterprise carried out necessary maintenance, as well as modernization of some production systems, in particular, energy supply systems.

These upgrades aim to increase the reliability of the plant's operation and reduce production risks during the peak season, which is critical for the stable supply of fertilizers to Ukrainian farmers. The restored work of basic shops will contribute to the satisfaction of demand in the domestic market of Ukraine.

Earlier, during the shutdown, the company's specialists carried out work on improving energy efficiency, which will minimize the risks of further interruptions in work and ensure reliable supply of products. Thanks to these measures, "Rivneazot" is ready to work at full capacity, supporting the national agricultural sector.

Thus, the enterprise not only restored stable production, but also created conditions for more efficient functioning in conditions of high demand. This is an important step in strengthening Ukraine's internal food security.

Адрес новости: http://e-finance.com.ua/show/278400.html

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