Ukrainian garlic: New opportunities on the Japanese market

19 окт, 15:00

Garlic of the Lyubasha variety from Ukraine is successfully exported to Japan, and it is possible that other Ukrainian vegetables will appear on the Japanese market in the near future. The Ambassador of Ukraine to Japan, Serhiy Korsunsky, announced this on his Facebook page.

It is known that the Japanese company m.V.m. Shoji Co. Ltd from Kobe has already started importing Ukrainian garlic, and the meeting at the Embassy was devoted to discussing the possibility of supplying other vegetables from Ukraine. "We understand that logistics is a difficult issue, but with joint efforts we will come up with something," the ambassador assured.

According to the product description on the online shopping platform Rakuten, the Ukrainian garlic arrived in Japan by plane, underscoring the efforts made to deliver the highest quality products. The presented Lyubasha variety was bred by Ukrainian agronomist Ivan Zakharenko.

"Ukraine is an agricultural country known for its fertile chernozems, and growing garlic is particularly popular," Korsunsky noted. The garlic project started two years ago as part of the support of Ukraine, designed to provide Japanese consumers with high-quality products, despite the difficulties associated with the war.

Japanese sellers invite consumers to taste this garlic, saying that it is filled with the blessing of the Ukrainian land and the efforts of local farmers. Garlic was grown by brothers from a village near Kyiv, who received instructions from Ivan Zakharenko. Product labels also include its name, emphasizing quality and origin.

Note that Ukrainian garlic is already sold out in the Rakuten online store. Users of the social network X (Twitter) report that this product is also available in elite supermarkets in Kanto and Kansai, which indicates the high demand for Ukrainian agricultural products in Japan.

This successful experiment can serve as an example for the further development of Ukrainian agricultural exports on international markets. Growing and selling Ukrainian garlic demonstrates the potential of domestic agricultural products that can compete on the world stage.

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