In the first half of 2024, Ukrainian shopping malls showed a significant increase in attendance

17 окт, 10:00

In the first half of 2024, Ukrainian shopping and entertainment centers (shopping malls) showed a significant increase in attendance. According to a study by the analytical company UTG, this indicator increased by 4% compared to the same period in 2023. This is a positive trend after a significant downturn caused by the pandemic and the war.

In the first six months of 2024, the shopping mall averaged 380 people per 1,000 m² of leasable area (GLA), compared to 367 people in 2023. The greatest growth was recorded among regional shopping malls, where the number of visitors increased from 280 to 305 people per 1,000 m². For district shopping centers, attendance increased slightly — from 501 to 504 people per 1,000 m².

The coronavirus and the war have had a significant impact on trade. In 2020-2021, approximately 44% of the population began to visit shopping centers less often, which led to a drop in average attendance at the beginning of 2022 to 506 people per 1,000 m². A particularly noticeable decline occurred in the middle of 2022, when the indicator dropped to a historical minimum — 291 people.

The restoration of part of the occupied territories, the return of the population to their hometowns, the adjustment of logistics processes, as well as the resumption of the work of international brands such as LPP, Mango, adidas, H&M and McDonald's contributed to the gradual stabilization of the market. Attendance in September 2024 reached the mark of 380 people per 1,000 m².

As noted in UTG, shopping centers of the district format, specializing in essential goods, proved to be the most resistant to fluctuations. At the same time, district facilities show better results with attendance of 504 people, while regional malls experience significant fluctuations.

Analysts predict that after the end of the war, outdated and inconveniently located malls may lose some of their visitors, which will lead to a further decline in their popularity and attendance.

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