Return of the modernized Pesa rail bus to Ukraine

22 окт, 15:00

An important event was celebrated in Ukraine: the first Pesa rail bus, which was modernized for the needs of Ukrzaliznytsia, returned after being repaired in Poland. This important event was recorded thanks to two Ukrainian electric locomotives that delivered the bus to Ukraine.

According to Rail.insider, the modernization of the bus was the result of efforts to improve passenger transportation in Ukraine. The video of the bus arrival was posted by Oleksandr Pertsovsky, former head of the Passenger Company branch of Ukrzaliznytsia.

“Something very interesting, reborn, hurrying home! With a little more work, it will be able to please Ukrainian passengers,” said Pertsovsky, emphasizing the importance of this repair for improving the service.

The modernization of the Pesa rail bus is part of a broader program to upgrade Ukrzaliznytsia's rolling stock, which aims to provide comfortable conditions for passengers. The upgraded buses are designed to improve the quality of service and encourage more passengers to use rail transport.

The renovation process in Poland took some time, but the result was worth the effort. The Pesa rail buses have already proven to be reliable and efficient in transporting passengers, and their modernization will only strengthen this reputation.

It is expected that the modernized rail buses will soon be back on the Ukrainian roads, which will be another step in improving the passenger transportation infrastructure in Ukraine.

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