Reduction of the population of Ukraine: consequences of the war and new challenges

27 окт, 15:00

Since the beginning of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the country's population has decreased by more than 10 million people. This significant decline was the result of emigration, falling birth rates, and direct hostilities. Florence Bauer, head of the Eastern European branch of the UN Population Fund, announced these alarming data during a press conference in Geneva, informs.

Bauer noted that the population decline has been occurring since the beginning of the war and is caused by a combination of various factors. One of the key points is the sharp drop in the birth rate, which now stands at about one child per woman. This is one of the lowest rates in the world. In order to maintain a stable population, a birth rate of at least 2.1 children per woman is required.

Before the war, Ukraine already had one of the lowest birth rates in Europe. In addition, young people left in search of better opportunities, which also contributed to the reduction of the population. As Bauer pointed out, a significant part of this reduction, namely 6.7 million people, are refugees who now live abroad, mainly in European countries.

The war also caused huge losses, which are an important factor in the overall population decline. "Although it is difficult to give exact numbers, estimates point to tens of thousands of victims," ​​Bauer emphasized. This question remains open, as many people are still in dangerous conditions and their situation is uncertain.

It is important to note that it will take time to get accurate data on the impact of the war on the population of Ukraine. Bauer noted that the real numbers will be available only after the end of the conflict, when it will be possible to conduct a full population census. This census will allow a detailed assessment of the scale of losses and consequences for society.

Thus, the situation in Ukraine remains critical, and the restoration of a normal birth rate and population stability will require comprehensive efforts by the state and international organizations.

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