17 мар, 10:00
In 2024, construction of a significant number of housing units was launched in Ukraine, which indicates the activity of the construction sector. In total, 70 thousand apartments were at the initial stage of construction in residential complexes across the country.
The largest volume of housing, which includes both private houses and apartment complexes, was launched in the Kyiv region. This region leads in the number of new construction projects completed at the initial stage, approaching almost 16 thousand apartments.
In second place in terms of construction activity is the Lviv region with over 10 thousand apartments under construction. Ivano-Frankivsk region is in third place in terms of new housing with over 6 thousand apartments under development.
At the same time, the capital of Ukraine, Kyiv, lost its leading position in the number of construction projects. Even without being in the top five most active regions, Kyiv invested in the construction of less than 3 thousand new apartments in 2024.
According to statistics, 40% of all new housing units are private houses, while the other 60% are apartment buildings, which amounts to over 40,940 apartments.
Kyiv region also emerged as a leader in the construction of apartment buildings, having implemented over 7.6 thousand apartments in 2024. It is followed by Lviv region with 7.1 thousand new apartments under construction and Ivano-Frankivsk region, where work is underway on 4.1 thousand apartments.
Even in the field of private housing construction, Kyiv region ranks first, having received permits for the construction of 8,160 new apartments in 2024. These indicators indicate significant dynamics of the development of the construction sector at the regional level in Ukraine.
Адрес новости: http://e-finance.com.ua/show/279657.html
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