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  • This online newspaper has been in publication since September 9, 2005
  • New rules of social support: Who will continue to receive payments from March 1, 2024
    2024-03-01 14:00:40

    Starting from March 1, 2024, new rules for assistance to internally displaced persons (IDPs) will be introduced in Ukraine, in accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 94 "Some issues of social support for internally displaced persons and other vulnerable categories of persons" dated 26.01.2024. This was reported by representatives of the Kyiv Regional State Administration.

    According to Igor Meshchan, Director of the Department of Social Development and Veteran Policy of the Kyiv Regional State Administration, one of the most urgent needs for IDPs is financial support. Currently, people who fled their hometowns due to the hostilities have the opportunity to receive financial assistance from the state, seek support from international organizations and apply for assistance from volunteer organizations.

    Under the new rules, payments will continue to be made to the following categories of people

    internally displaced pensioners for 6 months;
    persons with disabilities of group 1 or 2;
    children with disabilities;
    orphans and children deprived of parental care;
    able-bodied persons who have registered with an employment center or found a job.
    In addition, the new rules stipulate that some categories of IDPs will be able to continue receiving assistance after March 1 by submitting new applications. One of the conditions for receiving assistance is the financial status of the family: per capita income should not exceed UAH 9,444 (four subsistence minimums for people who have lost their ability to work).

    In particular, the following will be eligible for the extension of the assistance:

    IDP families with children under 14 living in the areas of active hostilities;
    families with children under 14 years of age living in areas considered conditionally safe, but where it is not possible to send children to kindergartens through online education
    Families where one of the members takes care of a disabled person of group I, a child with a disability under 18 years of age or a seriously ill child;
    minor children who arrived without parents;
    pregnant women starting from the 30th week of pregnancy.
    In order to receive assistance in families with able-bodied persons, they must find a job or register as unemployed at the employment center. However, if the able-bodied person does not contribute to their employment after the allowance is granted, the payment may be terminated.

    IDPs who previously received assistance, refused it, or were deregistered and then were forced to leave again will also be able to apply for housing assistance again.


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