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  • This online newspaper has been in publication since September 9, 2005
  • The most popular cars on the Ukrainian market: TOYOTA RAV-4 in the lead
    2024-06-04 16:00:13

    In May of this year, the Ukrainian market of new passenger cars was once again marked by impressive sales, with the TOYOTA RAV-4 crossover being the leader that gained a huge margin over other models. According to Ukravtoprom, this model became the absolute leader among other cars, sales of which exceeded the results of any other brand in May.

    TOYOTA RAV-4 won first place on the Ukrainian market, securing 475 units sold. This is a striking proof of the popularity of the crossover among Ukrainian motorists, which is confirmed by the stable demand for the past several months.

    In addition to TOYOTA RAV-4, the top ten also included such models as RENAULT Duster with 391 cars sold, MITSUBISHI L200 with 152 units and KIA Sportage with 148. These models form the basis of the May market, accounting for more than a third of the total sales volume of new passenger cars.

    "TOYOTA RAV-4 certainly confirms its leadership in the market, which is marked by stable demand and high consumer appreciation", - noted in "Ukravtoprom", emphasizing the importance of this model for the automotive market of Ukraine.

    The top 10 also includes such popular models as MAZDA CX5 (125 units), SKODA Kodiaq (121 units), TOYOTA Camry (114 units), SUZUKI SX4 (113 units), VOLKSWAGEN ID.4 (110 units) and BMW X5 (109 units), which occupy important positions in the list of the best-selling cars in May.

    Sales of these models testify to the stability and high interest of Ukrainian consumers in high-quality and reliable cars that meet modern standards of comfort and safety.

    In general, the market of new passenger cars in Ukraine continues to show positive trends in the medium term, supported by active demand for popular models with advanced technologies and a high level of operational characteristics.


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