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  • This online newspaper has been in publication since September 9, 2005
  • Reactors at the Zaporizhzhia NPP will remain shut down until the situation stabilizes
    2024-09-10 10:00:48

    The head of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Rafael Grossi, said that as long as the threat to the safety of the temporarily occupied Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant (ZAEP) continues, its reactors should remain in a state of "cold shutdown". This decision is dictated by the unstable situation at the station, which remains dangerous due to constant attacks and power outages.

    Grossi made this statement during the opening of the IAEA Board of Governors meeting in Vienna, Ukrinform reports. The head of the agency emphasized that numerous explosions, shelling and drone attacks around the station increase the risk of a nuclear disaster. Especially dangerous are regular interruptions with the external power supply, which provides vital cooling systems for the safety of the reactors.

    In addition, Grossi drew attention to an incident that occurred on August 11. A fire broke out inside one of the cooling towers of the ZNPP, which caused serious damage to the structure. Because of this, there is a possibility that the cooling tower will have to be demolished. However, at the moment, the cooling towers are not in use, as all six reactors are in a state of "cold shutdown".

    The head of the IAEA stressed that none of the reactors will be restarted as long as the conflict in Ukraine continues to pose a threat to nuclear safety. According to him, the agency strongly recommends maintaining this status in order to minimize the risks of a potential accident.

    The IAEA is also intensifying its activities at the ZNPP, seeking to reduce the likelihood of a nuclear disaster. Grossi noted that now the agency has a more active position regarding the monitoring of critically important electrical substations of Ukraine. These substations play a key role in ensuring the stability of nuclear power plants, including Zaporizhzhia.

    Currently, five out of six reactors of the ZNPP are in a "cold shutdown" state, and one is in a "hot shutdown" mode. The latter produces the necessary heat and steam to support basic safety processes at the station, which allows you to maintain control over the situation in wartime conditions.


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