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  • This online newspaper has been in publication since September 9, 2005
  • Record $100,000 set at auction for an unopened first-generation iPhone smartphone
    2023-07-08 10:00:57

    A record amount of $100,000 was set at auction for an unopened first-generation iPhone smartphone with 4 GB of RAM. This is reported by Noworries, citing Apple Insider.

    According to the portal, devices that were launched more than 16 years ago are in great demand among collectors. Collectors are especially interested in those models that are still preserved in their original packaging. The auction house LCG Auctions expects that $100,000 will be spent for this lot.

    In March of this year, Wright Auction House also sold an unpacked first iPhone with a unique "Lucky You" sticker. It was bought by the well-known tech blogger Marques Brownlee, known under the pseudonym MKBHD. The collector unpacked the lot on his YouTube channel, and the smartphone cost him $40,000.

    It is worth noting that the first iPhone was unveiled on January 9, 2007 by Apple founder Steve Jobs at the Macworld Conference & Expo in San Francisco.

    This auction confirms the undeniable interest in rare Apple devices. Due to their limited number and iconic status, collectors are willing to pay significant sums for unopened copies to add them to their collection. These rare smartphones are not only becoming objects of desire for collectors, but also a kind of investment as their value continues to increase over time.

    For tech fans, it's also an opportunity to reminisce about the first iPhone, which played an important role in the development of smartphones and changed the approach to mobile communications. Now it has become an artifact that symbolizes the beginning of a new era in the technology industry. These rare devices help us to see how fast technology is evolving and how far companies like Apple continue to move.

    Despite the fact that there are many newer iPhone models on the market, the first generation still attracts the attention of Apple fans and collectors. It witnessed revolutionary changes in the field of mobile devices and remains one of the most important milestones in the history of technology.

    The interest in rare iPhone models suggests that some devices can become valuable souvenirs that retain their value or even increase in value over time. This gives collectors, investors, and technology enthusiasts the opportunity to enhance their collection and benefit from investing in rare smartphones.


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