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  • This online newspaper has been in publication since September 9, 2005
  • Modern varieties of nuts in Ukraine: new challenges and opportunities
    2024-06-16 15:00:50

    In Ukraine, there is a growing interest in the cultivation of nuts, which is a promising industry for many farmers. One of such enthusiasts is Oleg Valko, who has been growing nuts for over ten years. Starting with 20 trees in the Lviv district, he gradually expanded his plantings, in particular thanks to grant support.

    Valko shares his experience with newcomers, recommending a thorough soil analysis and the selection of varieties that are best adapted to local conditions. He grows well-known varieties from France and the USA, which are considered the most productive, receiving advice from international experts.

    According to Oleh, planting nuts is possible at different times of the year, depending on the climatic conditions of the region. For example, in dry areas it is generally better to plant in the fall, while in the west of the country, where there is more precipitation, the process can begin in the spring.

    However, simple planting is not enough. An important condition is professional care, including crown formation and regular pruning during the first two years. These measures contribute to preserving the health of plants and improving their yield.

    Oleg Valko recommends varieties such as Ovata, Rubin, Karpatika-Kogolnychana for home cultivation, in particular he mentions the delicious harvest of the Ovata variety, which he collected a few years ago.

    In 2019, thanks to state support, Oleg Valko planted seedlings of the Pishchansky variety, which successfully took root after the May frosts and gave excellent results. He emphasizes the importance of using agrotechnical techniques to strengthen plant growth.

    Valko continues to expand his nut groves, choosing both Ukrainian and foreign varieties, and experimenting with different growing techniques. He is convinced that modern intensive varieties such as Chandler, Lara, Fernor, Serr, Pischansky are the future for the industry.

    In addition, Oleg Valko is actively engaged in the processing of nuts, which is becoming an increasingly urgent task for the agricultural sector.

    It is also worth noting that Oleg's son, Denys, also once planted peanuts, but with the beginning of the war, he gave priority to the defense of the Motherland.


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