In February 2025, Ukraine significantly increased electricity imports, the increase was almost 30% compared to the previous month, reaching a volume of 244 thousand megawatt-hours (MWh). This indicates an increase in the need for energy resources in the current situation in the country.
According to the analytical company ExPro Consulting, the largest supplier of electricity to Ukraine in February 2025 was Hungary, whose share was 35% of the total import volume. In second place in terms of supply volumes was Slovakia, from which 30% of electricity was imported.
Ukraine received a smaller share of electricity from Moldova. However, some of these supplies, according to analysts, may be re-imported from Romania. Despite this, Moldova still remains an important partner in the supply of energy resources.
According to analysts, electricity imports from Hungary in February 2025 increased by 77% compared to January 2025, which indicates an increase in the stability of electricity supplies from this direction. It is noteworthy that compared to February 2024, electricity imports from Hungary increased by almost 2.9 times, which also indicates a significant strengthening of cooperation between the countries in the energy sector.
However, despite the increase in imports, analysts note that the use of the reserved section of electricity transmission lines remains at 30-50% depending on the day. This means that the import potential is not yet used to its full capacity, which leaves room for further development of energy relations and increasing the country's energy security.
These data also indicate the importance of diversifying energy supplies and growing dependence on external sources of electricity, which increases the need for infrastructure development and modernization of energy networks to ensure sustainable energy supply to Ukraine in the future.