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  • This online newspaper has been in publication since September 9, 2005
  • Ukraine Secures $60 Billion Pledge for Reconstruction at London Conference
    2023-06-22 23:32:51

    Ukraine's partners have made a collective pledge of $60 billion towards the country's recovery and reconstruction efforts at the Conference on the Reconstruction of Ukraine in London. The final document of the conference revealed that this amount includes contributions such as up to 50 billion euros from the European Union's multiannual fund, $1.3 billion from the United States, and $3 billion in loan guarantees from Great Britain. Switzerland also announced additional support of 1.5 billion Swiss francs until 2027, while France pledged an additional 40 million euros in emergency reconstruction aid for 2023.

    Moreover, nearly 500 companies from 42 countries, representing a total asset value exceeding $5.2 trillion, and spanning 21 sectors of the economy, have signed the Ukrainian Business Compact. These companies have committed to supporting Ukraine's recovery and reconstruction, particularly in priority sectors such as energy, technology, infrastructure, and finance. The goal is to leverage their expertise to contribute to the development of Ukraine's private sector.

    The Conference on the Reconstruction of Ukraine in London, held on June 21-22, 2023, builds upon the annual Conferences on reforms in Ukraine that have been taking place since 2017. Moving forward, an interagency platform will continue to coordinate donor aid to Ukraine, ensuring alignment with early recovery and reform priorities. The international community's significant financial commitments and the support of numerous global companies reflect a shared commitment to help Ukraine tap into its vast potential and rebuild its infrastructure and economy.



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