Since the beginning of the full-scale war in Ukraine, 7,820 enterprises have changed their registered addresses, seeking safety and stability in other regions. Of these enterprises, 44% represent wholesale trade, construction and real estate.
According to the Opendatabot platform, 27% of these enterprises left Kyiv, the other 11% and 8% chose Dnipropetrovsk region and Donetsk region, respectively.
Even with the military conflict and proximity to the front line, Kyiv remains attractive for entrepreneurs, with 22% of companies choosing it for new registration. Kharkiv region and Odesa region are also identified as popular places with 10% each.
Routes from Kyiv to Odesa region (350 companies), Dnipropetrovsk region to Kyiv (300 companies) and "Kyiv-Kharkiv region" (289 companies) became the leaders in the direction of business relocation.
Among the enterprises that have changed their registered addresses, almost half work in the field of wholesale trade - 44%, in second place - companies in the construction sector (6%), and in third place are those engaged in real estate.
As of September, 840 enterprises have already taken advantage of the government program for relocation to safe regions, mostly choosing western regions such as Transcarpathia, Lviv and Chernivtsi.
We will remind that 840 businesses that have already relocated to safe regions have joined this program. According to the results of the selection of companies, the western regions: Transcarpathia, Lviv and Chernivtsi were in the greatest demand.
Any enterprise can join the program by submitting an application for relocation and specifying the necessary details of its activity.