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  • This online newspaper has been in publication since September 9, 2005
  • The Deposit Guarantee Fund announced an auction for the sale of assets of four banks: what is up for bid?
    2024-10-04 10:00:39

    The Individual Deposit Guarantee Fund (FGVFO) has announced a large-scale auction at which the assets of four banks that are in the process of liquidation will be put on display. The auction, scheduled for October 7, will take place through the Prozorro system, and the lot includes a significant pool of assets from various sectors of the economy. This is reported by the official website of the FGVFO.

    The pool includes assets of the following banks: MR Bank, Megabank, Prominvestbank and Bank Sich. These institutions are already in liquidation and the Fund aims to realize their assets to reimburse depositors and creditors. Assets include claims on loans of legal entities and individuals, as well as debt obligations of economic entities.

    Lot GL43N1126611, which is being auctioned, contains assets of debtors operating in industries such as wholesale and retail trade, vehicle repair and administrative services. The pool also includes property rights to residential and commercial real estate, land plots, equipment, transport and other tangible assets.

    The following real estate objects stand out among the mortgaged property that has been put into the pool: a five-room apartment in the center of Kyiv near Maidan Nezalezhnosti with an area of ​​238.5 square meters. m, several apartments in Kryvyi Rih, home ownership with a shop-cafe premises in Mukachevo, as well as unfinished construction projects and industrial facilities in the Dnipropetrovsk region. In general, assets cover a wide range of immovable and movable property.

    It should be noted that not the real estate objects themselves are put up for auction, but the rights to debt recovery or their realization through judicial or extrajudicial mechanisms. This allows the new owners to begin the debt settlement process and take possession of the property.

    The initial cost of the lot is UAH 109.4 million. The auction will follow the Dutch model, which involves a gradual decrease in the starting price until the first bid is made. Both individuals and legal entities can participate in the auction, with the exception of representatives of the Russian Federation or persons related to it.

    This event is an important step in the process of liquidating banks and facilitating the return of funds to creditors, while opening new opportunities for investors in Ukraine.


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