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  • ACCESS MBA Tour in Kiev – First Edition
    2007-04-12 11:17:10

    Saturday, April 21st2007 from 10am to 5pm

    The ACCESS MBA One-to-One: The best way to find your MBA.

    General Description
    Our theory: why choose an MBA with pamphlets and brochures when you can sit down in private with admissions directors and talk face to face? The Access MBA Tour brings the world’s top international business schools straight to you, giving each participating candidate the opportunity to meet personally with the admissions directors during 20 to 30 minutes private meetings, ask all questions and get the personal, quality answers needed to determine which MBA program is right for them. This event focuses on providing high quality, personalised service to each individual candidate at every step of the MBA search, whether they are just beginning or are ready to interview.

    10 to 11am Conference: “How to be admitted to a top MBA.”
    11am to 5pm (all day):  Personal meetings with the admissions directors during 20 to 30 minutes, access to Career Consultants, MBA Consultants, MBA Financing Consultants, GMAT/TOEFL preparation. 

    "One to one meetings give everyone more time, and are highly appreciated by the candidates who then have the chance to evaluate the pertinence of their profile and their choices before going further in the application process.  Throughout the event, conferences and the many consultants available all day to give personal GMAT, MBA, Career, and Financing advice are the perfect resources for candidates looking for general information on how to move forward in their search, or wondering if they are ready for a one-to-one meeting with a school.” Christophe Coutat, Director.

    Who is the ideal candidate for this event?
    The target audience for the schools that will be present are experienced business executives and junior or middle managers, already holding a bachelor’s degree or equivalent, and with a 3-year work experience.

    Who are the participating business schools?
    Lancaster University Management School (UK), Leeds Metropolitan Business School (UK), London School of Business & Finance (UK), EBS London (UK), IE Business School (Es), Nyenrode Business School (NL), TU Wien (AU), etc.

    ACCESS MBA across the world
    ACCESS MBA represents a total of over 120 different MBA programs and travels to over 25 different countries throughout Europe, the Middle East, and in India. 

    Practical Information:
    - Saturday, April 21st, from 10am until 5pm
    - President Hotel - 12, Hospitalna Street, Kiev, 01023
    - Free entrance for the registered candidates – 5 ? on site
    - STRONGLY RECOMMENDED pre-registration online at "accessmba">accessmba

    Press Contacts:  
    Emilie Court, International Project Manager - Tel: +33 (0)1 43 41 30 04
    E-mail : "mailto:emilieadvent-international">emilieadvent-international

    Access MBA is a brand of Advent International, communications agency producing over 30 education and recruitment events throughout Europe, the Middle East and India annually.


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